Here is a mini guide with pics to get you started ^-^ ||| :
1. Visit
2. At the bottom right are a bunch of servers click on one to sign into that server [i'm usually on channel 4^^ hehe]
3. Now to register an Account click on the third option on the bottom~
4. Click the first option to quickly create an account
5. First box is for log in name; second one is for your password [don't forget it ^-^ tehe] Those are the only 2 required so far
6. Now you can log in! Fill in your username and password and click on the shiny red button
7. The first channel is for beginners~ and then there's one with no limit and then intermediate and advanced rooms. Now all you have to do is select a channel and room... Now go out there and SHA some people!
PS: They changed the system so that you have to put more information to create/play on your account! Change happened about 2 weeks ago i think >-<
Step 7.5: After you create your account, you have to verify your account information with your Chinese ID number before you can play... or else a popup will keep showing up and you can't getting into the channels/rooms
Step 7.75: After you enter those 3 things, you are ready to play!!!!
Remember to add me to friends if you play on server 4 and see me: 以毒攻毒
Or leave a comment here so we can set up to meet in game ^^
hi want to ask why i cant use some hero? btw i cant read chinese... I heard we need to pay for new hero.. how to pay?
ReplyDeletehow to get Chinese ID number?