Monday, January 17, 2011

other information for SGS online

some things to notice while you play SGS online

- you start off at level 0 ->.<-

- it keeps track of your wins/loss ratio

- based on whether you win/lose and which role you were playing, you get + and -'s to your 文功 and 武勋 which are a symbol of your rank

- furthermore as you play more games you will unlock titles which you could use; they appear on the left side of your user "card"

Some things you might see typed by others:

- on9 [usually only Cantonese people will say this-> means whoever they are talking about is an idiot]

- 打酱油 = Means to die before you even get a turn to play... there's a title for this XD

- 99999999999  [9 sounds kind of like the word "save"]

PS: If you are new and don't really understand the words, you can always use the fun emoticons on the side ^^

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