魏 Wei Kingdom [4 life points] ❤❤❤❤
1。Upright and Unyielding 刚烈: Whenever Xia Hou Dun takes damage, he can choose to use this ability. A judgment card is then flipped and if the resulting card is not "Hearts" suited, then the source of the damage [other player] must choose to either discard two cards from his hand or lose one life.
Extra Notes:
- No real special notes to take in mind about Xia Hou Dun
- Doesn't really have anything super neat ^-^
- his ability makes him annoying to hit @-@
Mini Bio [Historical info, SGZ]
- one of Cao Cao's loyal soldiers -> ever since Cao Cao started to rise in power Xia Hou Dun has been under his command
- at around the age of 14 supposedly killed someone that insulted his teacher
-> Righteous but violent person
- Xia Hou Dun followed Cao Cao to battle with Lu Bu and it was during this time that he was hit with an arrow and lost his left eye
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