Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Xia Hou Yuan 夏侯渊

魏 Wei Kingdom    [4 life points] ❤❤❤❤

1。Speed of the Gods 神速This ability is split into two parts:

            A。 You can choose to skip your judgment phase and drawing phase to KILL [杀] one person in play; it counts as a normal KILL [杀]card so it can be dodged  {You can still use another KILL[杀]card in your action phase.

         B。  You can choose to skip your action phase and discard an equipment card to KILL [杀] one person in play; it counts as a normal KILL [杀]card so it can be dodged.

Extra Notes:
- as you can see, Xia Hou Yuan can easily get two attacks per turn either by combining his ability A and a normal attack or using both parts of the ability [this make him pretty good for finishing weakened characters]
- the KILLs [杀]used from the ability have no range limitations [can hit anyone in play]


  1. never knew how this worked exactly thanks for the ENG translation
